Article written by-Philipsen Mason
Are there times when you wonder if your air conditioner or furnace is working properly? Is it hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature? If so, it may be time to look for a new HVAC system. This article has a great deal of useful advice about doing so.
Although most people are thinking of their heating systems during the winter months, air conditioning is also important. When installing a new furnace or heating system, make sure the air ducts are also set up to work with your air condition system. Using the ducts for both heating and cooling is the most economical choice.
When purchasing a new HVAC system for your home, be sure it is energy efficient. These days, most new HVAC systems are energy efficient; there is a energy star label on the equipment. However, to be sure your utility costs do not go through the roof, choose equipment that is energy efficient.
To save money on your HVAC system, turn the air conditioning down at night and let your home warm up a bit. To keep yourself cool, use a chilling water-filled pillow to cool down your head and your whole body as a result.
Suggested Resource site combined with a fan will keep you from overheating while saving on your utility bills.
Make sure the equipment you are buying is ENERGY STAR compliant. It may seem a small thing, but it isn't. Products that are ENERGY STAR compliant can save you a lot of money in energy costs over the year. It can be over $100 easily, sometimes a lot more.
Looking for an efficient way to cool your home? Consider installing a whole-house evaporative cooler. They use water to cool air instead of traditional chemical coolants, using a ton less energy to cool your home than those other units. That said, they do work best in dry climates and not at all in humid ones.
If you have fans in place to help make your HVAC more efficient, be sure that they're turning in the right direction. They should be pushing air downwards over the people in the room to help cool their skin. If it's blowing upwards, all it does is push hot air into the room.
In the winter, wearing layers can save you a ton of money on your utility bill. If you can install a digital thermostat that makes the house cooler when you're asleep and warmer just before you get up, you can see significant savings on your next bill when it arrives.
If you want to cool your home in the summer without using your air conditioning on full, consider installing fans in your home. An attic fan can blow hot air out while sucking in cool air into your basement, and ceiling fans help distribute the air in your rooms evenly.
Have your HVAC inspected every year to ensure that it is working properly. The technician will check your filters, drain lines, air flow and Freon levels. This will have your HVAC working at peak performance saving you money all season long. It will also alert you to any repairs that need to be address before they become big problems.
Make sure that the HVAC contractor you plan to hire does not use subcontractors to do their work. Many people use this as an excuse to shirk their responsibility in the event that something goes wrong when your system is being worked on. Only allow this if there is a note in the contract about what will happen if there is an issue.
When buying an air conditioner, you want to find out with a SEER rating of 13 or higher. 13 is the minimum standard set by the government, so higher ratings, while not mandatory, are going to offer you better efficiency. SEER ratings can go as high as 19, so keep this in mind as you shop.
Is your home's electrical set-up ready to handle a new air conditioning unit? Most homes have 115-volt circuits in place, but larger air conditioners need 230-volts to be used. Some smaller units may need their own dedicated circuit as well to ensure your home doesn't go dark when you turn them on.
In order to save money overnight, buy an air conditioner with a switch that sets it to be fan-only. This will push hot air outside and bring in cool air from near the ground. Turn this on just before bed so that you can cool the house as you sleep.
The biggest step to preventing problems in your air conditioner is getting a professional tune-up once a year. This is especially important before the summer. This is when your air conditioning system will be working its hardest. Getting -ups reduces the risk of malfunctions and will keep you cool all summer long.
If you feel like you are spending too much money on your heating and cooling, there is a simple way to reduce this cost. Raise or lower the temperature depending on the season. A single degree in temperature change can equate to almost a nine percent savings in cooling and heating costs.
Check the licensing of any HVAC company that you plan to hire. Start by making sure they are fully licensed. They should be in compliance with your state's business laws. Good HVAC companies should be fully insured. is to protect their company, their employees, and their customers should anything happen when they are performing a service at the home of a customer.
If you feel like you are spending too much money on your heating and cooling, there is a simple way to reduce this cost. Raise or lower the temperature depending on the season. A single degree in temperature change can equate to almost a nine percent savings in cooling and heating costs.
If you want to buy a new HVAC unit or system, ask a contractor to come up to size up your home and tell you what options you have. They'll have the best advice as they know what sort of systems work in your area or in a home like yours.
When comparing quotes from multiple contractors, think carefully about those on the bottom of the price list. It's likely they didn't really look into your home deeply, or they're making promises they can't keep. Do they offer you a guarantee? Are they insured? Do they have a current licence in your state?
You absolutely must take proper care of the HVAC unit if you would like to prevent serious damage from occurring. When HVAC systems fail, they are often expensive to repair. Avoid the situation entirely by heeding the advice in this piece.